Glow Blogs Archive
P5 Monday 25th May
Good morning - Let' get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout: or anything that interests you. Smart Start-Maths Online Games times table practise:- Logic Puzzles- If you have time or any problems with these games go on Sumdog(maths). Chat will go on at about 10am. Numeracy-Roman Numerals Watch this video to ... Continue reading P5 Monday 25th May
P4- Monday 25th May
Maths Presentation - Measuring Kilograms and Grams measuring using grams weight problem solving Glasgow Science Centre- 10am, How to make ice- cream Ingredients: 250ml cream 250ml milk sugar, salt, ice cubes 2 ziplock bags (one large, one small flavouring, chocolate chips bowl, jug, spoon Grammar using_to_too_two Technology cfe2-d-41-wearable-technology-activity-sheets cfe-d-5-cfe-playing-with-technology-activity-sheet Science Practical evolution models Evolution_cards_Activity_sheet
Primary 2 - Monday 25th May 2020
Good Morning Primary 2! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! You should now be moving on to your week 8 pack of work. Reading username - deansprimary2 password - missborsbey Can you retell the story in the correct order? Green group - The birthday cake Purple group - Patterns ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Monday 25th May 2020
Primary One - Monday 25th May 2020
Good Morning Everyone! I hope you are all well and had a good weekend. The weather hasn't been great but I hope you still managed to get your daily exercise. Some tasks for you to complete. Activity 1 - Phonics th sound L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound S.C. I can ... Continue reading Primary One - Monday 25th May 2020
Happy Monday Primary 1/2 25.5.20
Good Morning Everyone! Good Morning boys and girls, I hope everyone had a lovely relaxing weekend and are ready for all of this week's home learning tasks. Let's start the week as we mean to go on...Let's get moving! This is one of my favourite songs.. At 11am today the crew at Fischy Music are ... Continue reading Happy Monday Primary 1/2 25.5.20
Primary 7 25/05/20
Information for 25th May Before Break Percentages Medium Percentages Spicy
P6/7 May 25, 2020
Let's exercise with Joe Wicks! LI_ poem_ in the dark Break LI_debit and credit card Moneysense lesson 1how_can_i_pay_for_things_presentation_uk activity _debit_and_credit_cards_activity_sheet_uk (1) Mental Health awareness week Lunch LI_ sound travel through solid, liquid and gas
Primary 3 - Monday 25th May
Hello everyone! Welcome to another week of learning. Remember you can now pick up your new pack from school if you haven't done so already! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend! Literacy: Reading - Listen to the stories: -Write down 2 things you liked about each story and 1 thing ... Continue reading Primary 3 - Monday 25th May
P4 - Monday 25th May
Sun Safety t3-s-212-sun-safety-ks3-powerpoint-pack-to-support-teaching-on-healthy-lifestyles
Positivity! (Health and Wellbeing for all pupils)
Last week was Mental Health Awareness week ! We all have mental health in the same way we have our physical health - and both are important at this time! Focussing on what is Positive right now - in our own lives and our own families is important - but what is Positivity? Look at ... Continue reading Positivity! (Health and Wellbeing for all pupils)