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Primary One - Friday 29th May 2020

Good Morning Everyone! Happy Friday! I hope you all had a brilliant day yesterday and managed to enjoy the sunshine and ice- cream (if you made some?) Some activities for you to complete today. Activity 1- th sound L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound S.C. I can blend this sound with ... Continue reading Primary One - Friday 29th May 2020

P6/7 May 29, 2020

Exercise! How animals communicate through sound Become a holiday planner BUDGET PLANNER

P4 Health and Wellbeing - 29th May

Here is the link to the Jigsaw Relationships work for today: Jigsaw - Relationships 29th May I will be on Teams if you need any help.

P4 Science - 29th May

James Dyson Science Challenge Cards As explained on Teams, choose one of these science experiments to try

Primary 7 1.06.20

Information for 1.06.20 Statistics P.7 Hibernation P.7 social animals answers P.7 social animals

P4 Monday 1st June

t2-m-4775-powerpoint-converting-between-litres-millilitres-and-centilitres-powerpoint-_ver_6 capacity worksheets prefixes worksheet fitness challenge cards cfe2-d-48-social-media-think-a4-display-poster cfe2-d-34-handy-apps-activity-sheet

P5/6 Monday 1st June

Maths: Finish money first and then move onto measure. I think all 4 parts of TJay 2a Chapter 13 (a,b,c and d) are useful. This will help support your work on decimals to 3 places. If you have finished these you could do TJay 2a revision work on decimals: Chapters 5 and 7 TJay ... Continue reading P5/6 Monday 1st June

Monday 1st June Primary 1/2

Good Morning Boys and Girls! Good morning boys and Girls, I hope you are ready for another week of home learning. Hopefully you all enjoyed the weather over the weekend and maybe got to finally meet up with some friends or family. Let's start off with a Monday morning assembly from the crew at Fischy ... Continue reading Monday 1st June Primary 1/2

P5 Monday 1st June

Good morning - Let' get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout: or anything that interests you. Smart Start-Maths Online Games Logic Puzzles- If you have time or any problems with these games go on Sumdog(maths). Chat will go on at about 10am. Numeracy-Money- LI -To solve money problems-SC-I can plan ... Continue reading P5 Monday 1st June

Primary 2 - Monday 1st June 2020

Good Morning Primary 2! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend enjoying the sun! You can collect your new packs of learning from school on Wednesday. Reading username - deansprimary2 password - missborsbey Can you identify the beginning, middle and end of the story? Green group - The ice rink Purple ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Monday 1st June 2020

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