Glow Blogs Archive
P3- Friday 12th June
Good morning P3!! I hope you have all had a great week. Here are some learning activities for you to complete: NEWS FLASH!! You are all invited to take part in Deans Primary School 'Virtual' Sports Day on Tuesday 16th June. Letters will be sent home via e-mail, make sure you and your grown up ... Continue reading P3- Friday 12th June
Primary 2 - Friday 12th June 2020
Good morning everyone! Here are some learning activities to finish off your week! Spelling Here are your phonics videos for the week! Can you spot any of your spelling words? Green, Purple & Pink Yellow Blue Numeracy Today for your word problems, I would like you to use objects around your home. Have a look ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Friday 12th June 2020
P5 Friday 12th June
Good Morning!Let's get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout : or try some Street Dance Moves on this site: Smart Start - Choose Quiet reading or Free Write Chat will go back on about 10:00 am.-Why not work outside in the shade - if it is warm enough this week! Numeracy- Problem Solving Last week ... Continue reading P5 Friday 12th June
P4 Science - 12th June
Here are the science cards for you to choose from for today's science task as described on Team. James Dyson Science Challenge Cards
P4 Health and Wellbeing - 12th June
Here is the link to the Jigsaw health and wellbeing work on relationships for today Jigsaw - Relationships 12th June
Primary One - Friday 12th June 2020
Good Morning Everyone! Happy Friday! Date for your diary Deans Virtual Sports Day - Tuesday 16th June 2020!! More information to follow! I hope you all had a great day yesterday and managed to complete some of the activities from the blog. Some new tasks for you to enjoy! Activity 1 - igh sound L.I. ... Continue reading Primary One - Friday 12th June 2020
Friday 12.6.20
Good Morning P.1/2 I hope you are all well this Friday morning and ready for another morning of learning! Here is some more classical music to start our day. The track at around 10 minutes 15 seconds is from Swan Lake and I think you will like it. 2D & 3D shape Now to ... Continue reading Friday 12.6.20
Primary 7 12/06/20
Morning everyone. I am looking forward to hearing how you got on this week. Perhaps you could bullet point the good parts and maybe anything that worried you and we could discuss it next week. I will be in school on Monday and Tuesday so will make sure there is work for you. I will ... Continue reading Primary 7 12/06/20
P6/7 June 12, 2020
Happy Friday everyone! ks2-buddhism-activity-powerpoint roi-g-25249-india-fact-file-worksheet_ver_1 Murder Mystery Challenge story suspects clue 1 clue 2A clue 2AA clue 3 Clue-4 clue 5 answers
News Flash
Just to let you know are all invited to take part in Deans Primary School 'Virtual' Sports Day on Tuesday 16th June. Letters will be sent home via e-mail, make sure you and your grown up look out for the instructions. It sounds like it could be great fun!