Glow Blogs Archive
P3- Friday24th April
Good morning from Mrs Morrison!! I hope you are safe and well and enjoying the beautiful weather we have been experiencing of late. I will be posting activities every Friday covering curricular areas such as P..E, Science and Maths. I know Mrs Hillan encourages you to participate in Joe Wicks, The Body Coach workouts and ... Continue reading P3- Friday24th April
Deans Den
Good morning all, happy Friday!! I hope you have had a lovely week with time to enjoy the beautiful weather. I am missing our time together, especially snack time when we would help each other prepare snack and talk about our day. I have found a recipe on the programme, 'Big Cook Little Cook' where ... Continue reading Deans Den
Primary One - Friday 23rd April 2020
Happy Friday Everyone! The end of another busy week. I hope you have enjoyed carrying out the activities that I have posted and I am looking forward to seeing all your work, when we eventually get back to school. A few activities for you to try today. Activity 1 - Phonics new sound oa ... Continue reading Primary One - Friday 23rd April 2020
P.1/2 24.4.20
Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well this Friday morning and ready for another day of learning! As you know Mrs Stevenson has encouraged me to do the Joe Wicks workout. Use her link again for you and anyone else in your house who wants to join in and get moving. It's a ... Continue reading P.1/2 24.4.20
Primary 2 - Friday 24th April 2020
Good Morning Primary 2! Here are some fun activities for today. Spelling Watch the Alphablocks video for your group. Can you spot any of your spelling words? Green, Purple & Pink Yellow Blue Numeracy Let's practise counting back by 1s! Here is the song: Can you choose a random number to start at and count ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Friday 24th April 2020
Primary 7 24.04.20
Today we are going to make sure we have all given our best this week. If you should have attempted spicy maths and didn't, do it today please. You must ALWAYS challenge yourself. Remember, at the moment, we don't have a strict timetable and if you want to complete maths later in the day that ... Continue reading Primary 7 24.04.20
Happy Friday P6/7 April 24, 2020
Spicy Fractions. Equivalent Fractions (B) Hot Fractions. Equivalent Fractions (A) Mild Fractions Equivalent to one Quarter Sun research I have set a challenge on Sumdog starting today and will end next Friday. Please make sure you log in and so the challenge before the end date :).
P4 Creative Time
Here is the picture I would like you to use for your creative time today. Copy and complete it - it is NOT a mountain range. Stimulus Picture Happy drawing - remember to upload your illustration to Teams so I can see it
P4 Life Skills Grid
Which of these have you already done and which ones could you plan to do to help out grown ups at home? Life Skills Grid
And the winner is......
Delighted to announce that the winner of our World Worst Child writing competition is Thomas Napaul! Well done, Thomas! Your £10 voucher is on it's way to you!