Glow Blogs Archive
P4 Jigsaw - Healthy Me 28th April
Jigsaw work for this morning, as explained on Teams. Jigsaw - Healthy Me 28th April
P4 Spelling
Here are today's words and links to interactive activities. Spelling Words - 28th April Red (igh) - Blue (ea) - Green (ea) -
Rainbow writing challenges P5 - 7
Please have a look at the RAINBOW FAMILY LEARNING SECTION for this week - Somewhere over the rainbow"- Music Education Partnership Group You will know, and may be have been taking part in, the weekly "Clap for NHS" on a Thursday night at 8 o'clock. In many streets people have started to play instruments too, so ... Continue reading Rainbow writing challenges P5 - 7
P5 Wednesday 29th April
Good Morning!Choose a work-out Joe Wicks for example ( or Go Noodle. Smart Start - Quiet Reading - chat will go on at 9:55. Numeracy - LI To divide - SC I can use the grouping strategy. Watch this video: which also gives information about remainders. Complete the learning activity: Choose a level. Try the grouping ... Continue reading P5 Wednesday 29th April
Deans Den
Happy Wednesday everyone!! I hope you are all safe and well and managing to complete some of your home learning. Inside your Deans Den booklet there is a Spring flower hunt worksheet and maybe when you head outside for your daily exercise, you could look for some of the flowers and try to draw them! ... Continue reading Deans Den
Primary 2 - Wednesday 29th April 2020
Good morning everyone! I hope you are all ready for another day of fun learning activities! Writing I began writing a story yesterday and got stuck with the ending - I am hoping you can all help me finish it off! The last part I wrote was: "The spaceship crashed. When the doors opened..." Can ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Wednesday 29th April 2020
Primary One - Wednesday 29th April 2020
Good Morning Everyone! Happy Wednesday! Hope you are all well and ready for another day of learning! You should now have received your 2 week learning pack. Enjoy!! A few additional task for you to complete. Activity 1 - Phonics w sound L.I. ... Continue reading Primary One - Wednesday 29th April 2020
Primary 7 29.04.20
Before Break Bonjour. Today we are going to be working out the average speed of a journey. If you look in the folder for today / blog, you will find your work. Like the last two days, you have to carefully read and understand the instructions / examples to be able to use the formula ... Continue reading Primary 7 29.04.20
Good Morning Primary 1/2 29.4.20
Good Morning Boys and Girls! Happy Wednesday everyone, I hope you are ready for another day of home learning fun! Let's jump right in with some...... Reading/writing Have another go at reading 'Mix, Mix, Mix' on the Oxford Owls ebooks page. I want you to have a think today about what you would put ... Continue reading Good Morning Primary 1/2 29.4.20
P6/7 April 29, 2020
Adding and subtracting fractions differentiated Extra Spicy adding and subtracting fraction Morning break What-is-Personification- figurative-language-personification-differentiated-activity-sheets_ver_3 Lunch Art_responding to visual stimulus Family_worksheets_Y4 Practice spelling words for this week then read on your own (choose any text).