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P5/6 Tuesday 9th June

Thank you all for the personal projects you have been working on - the ones I have seen are really good. Please continue with these. The ones that you have done: try and up-level them> Use Self Assessment. Use two stars and a wish. To challenge yourself even more create more wishes! You could also ... Continue reading P5/6 Tuesday 9th June

P5 Tuesday 9th June

Good Morning everybody. Let's get energized.Choose the Joe Wicks workout: or anything else you like. Smart start -Newsround Then write 3 sentences about what you have learnt.Extension - If you finish check out the rest of the Newsround website or catch up with any other work you need to finish.Chat will go back on ... Continue reading P5 Tuesday 9th June

Primary 3 - Tuesday 9th June

Hello everybody! Remember to keep working through your new packs of learning. Literacy Watch Newsround - note down any key things you have found out today to share with someone at home. Have a check in with everyone at home - ask how everyone is and how they are feeling today. Share how you ... Continue reading Primary 3 - Tuesday 9th June

P3, P3/4 and P4 Writing

As always, do this when your class teacher asks you to! The tunnel in the woods Where does this go to? What happens as you walk through it? Do you change? Do the woods around you change as you walk? Do you walk through with other friends? Or do you meet friends on the ... Continue reading P3, P3/4 and P4 Writing

P6/7 June 9, 2020

Langston Hughes_ I, too Algebra_ basic equations Shadow-Art-Ideas #Lesson Presentation Refraction Activity Sheet Amazing Arrow

P6/7 and P7 writing

As always, only complete this when your class teacher asks you to! This week we are going to use - You have a choice of mild, spicy, hot activities: Mild - look at the picture and continue the story starter (you don't have to copy it out!!) Spicy - answer the Questions and look ... Continue reading P6/7 and P7 writing

P4 Numeracy - 9th June

As explained on Teams, here is the link to the numeracy check-up for today Numeracy Check up - 9th June

P4 Reading - 9th June

Link to the reading task based on what we have read of George's Marvellous Medicine so far through the live videos: Literature Circle

P4 Health and Wellbeing - 9th June

Here is the link for today's health and wellbeing relationship task about animals: Jigsaw - Relationships 9th June As always, I will be on Teams to support you

P4 Spelling - 9th June

Spelling words and activities for today/this week: Spelling Words - 9th June Spelling Activities

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