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Learning about 2D Shapes in P.5

On Thursday we went outdoors with a partner and chalk. We took it in turns to draw a 2D shape and describe its properties. We drew many shapes and described them in detail. After that we had a Guess the Shape quiz. We are getting very good at recalling shapes and their properties. Well done ... Continue reading Learning about 2D Shapes in P.5

A busy week in P2/1

We have had such a busy week in P2/1! Spelling This week, the P1s have been learning all about the 'm' sound. We have had lots of practise forming the letter m and identifying words that we hear the letter in. The P2s have been consolidating their knowledge of the 'oa' and 'ai' sounds. They ... Continue reading A busy week in P2/1

Weekly Update From P1

We have finished our P1 class charter. We read Elmer stories to help us think about our school values and how we can demonstrate them to each other. Literacy This week we have started learning sounds. The first sound we have focused on is "m". The children have been learning to recognise it, say it, ... Continue reading Weekly Update From P1

p6/5 blog

At the start of the week we did we did bottle organization ect after that we did writing about Mr Topley's years in the army he was really good at explaining it and it was really exiting. Then we started tiling for math with 3 dimensional shapes it is really fun to tile we also ... Continue reading p6/5 blog

Title - P6s' Week

Orientation kaiden - Welcome to the BLOG and the best class ever. Here is what P6 have been doing this week. Sequence of Events In literacy we have been learning how to write a recount. A recount is a retelling of events in the past so we have decided to write our BLOG in this ... Continue reading Title - P6s' Week

P4 class 3rd September 2021

What a fantastic week we had! We learnt to many things about recount writing by working together. Our teacher gave us text samples of each feature of the text and we had to work as group to classify them into Title, Orientation, Sequence of Events and Personal comment. We also assessed and our own as ... Continue reading P4 class 3rd September 2021

This Week in Primary 5

This week in Primary 5 we have been given our new home learning sheet for the month along with our first week's spelling words. We have been practising these in class and should continue to do so at home. We have now been given our group reading books. We have started reading these in class ... Continue reading This Week in Primary 5

Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights

It's been another busy week in Primary 4/3. This week we got our new family home learning sheets and spelling lists home. We are excited to practise these at home with our loved ones. This week in Health and Wellbeing we have been learning what it means to be part of a team. Our value ... Continue reading Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights

Weekly Update From Primary One

A few highlights from our very busy week. Literacy This week we have been focusing on the c sound. The children have been learning to recognise the sound, as well as read and write it. We have been playing c bingo and sorting pictures according to their initial sound. Some pictures below- ... Continue reading Weekly Update From Primary One

3D Shape

We made 3D shapes using spaghetti, toothpicks and marshmallows. It was tricky but fun. It was interesting to problem solve some of the issues we had and it was a great way to recall all the properties of 3D shapes.

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