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This Week in Primary 4

This week in Primary 4 we have been finishing off our reading books ready for starting fresh ones in the new session. We have had some good discussion around these and Mrs Hillan is seeing a big difference in many of us with our confidence in reading aloud and our use of expression. We have ... Continue reading This Week in Primary 4

Primary 1B Learning Highlights

This week we have had a focus on Money in our maths work. We have been investigating all of the different coins, what they look like, how they feel and of course how we can use them. We have discussed how important it is to be able to recognise coins, their value and to be ... Continue reading Primary 1B Learning Highlights

Weekly Update From P1A

I hope you have all had a good week. It has been very exciting in Primary 1, the children have now all had the opportunity to meet their new Primary 2 teacher. Both Miss Borsby and Miss Orr were very impressed by the children, so off to a great start! Some pictures the children wanted ... Continue reading Weekly Update From P1A

P4/3 Update

It has been another quick and busy week as we near the end of our time together in P4/3. The children have adapted well to change and enjoyed meeting their new teachers for next term. Mrs Morrison is proud of you all. Health and Well-Being We continued our 'Changing Me' topic and explored how our ... Continue reading P4/3 Update


This week we have been doing.... Maths In maths we have been doing money as chimney sums and bus sums. In the previous math we have done we included the four functions which were addition, subtraction, times and division. Drama In drama we have been doing Oor Wullie , Oor Wullie is a Scottish cartoon ... Continue reading P5/6

P6/7 Blog

Numeracy- We did Fibonacci Sequence and Number sequences E.g.- 1,1,2,3,5,8 Literacy- We did a spelling test Term 3 And dictation We did foreshortening, emphasizing our hands and feet for art. For P.E we did football And rounders without the bat and ball but we used our football. On Monday 14/06/21 four of our p7s went ... Continue reading P6/7 Blog

This Week P3/2

Literacy This week in reading, we have been continuing to develop our reciprocal reading skills. During our class novel 'Charlotte's Web', we were stopping at various points in the novel to made predictions. We had to provide evidence to support our predictions. We also creates questions about the chapter to ask to our friends. ... Continue reading This Week P3/2

Our Final Post of Primary 4.

This is our last week of Primary 4 - we are sad to be leaving P4 behind, but we are excited about moving onto Primary 5 and discovering the new challenges it will bring! We have enjoyed completing some Summer activities this week such as creating a Summer scene, making a list of things we ... Continue reading Our Final Post of Primary 4.

Bug Hotel

Over the last few weeks P3/4 have been constructing a Bug Hotel. They have collected a variety of material and have built the hotel layer by layer. Well done children in P3/4. Please DO NOT CLIMB ON IT and please DO NOT REMOVE ANY OF THE MATERIAL.

Happy holidays from P2

It has been a brilliant year in P2 this year. Despite all of the restrictions COVID has imposed, we have had such fun and rich learning experiences throughout the year. I would like to thank each and every one of the children, parents, carers and staff who have all contributed to making this year so ... Continue reading Happy holidays from P2

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