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This Week in P3/2

Literacy During reading this week, we were developing our questioning skills. We took notes during our class novel to help us construct a question. When taking notes, we only wrote the important parts and did not write in sentences. Using our notes, we constructed a question and gave it a friend to answer. Think week, ... Continue reading This Week in P3/2

P5's Weekly Post

This week we have been very busy! Literacy Reading We have been learning to compare our personal experiences with a text. In addition we hunted for 'wow' words in our group novels and used dictionaries to find the meaning of these words. As an extra challenge we then had to use the words in a ... Continue reading P5's Weekly Post

Welcome to this week's learning in Primary 4.

Welcome to this week's learning in Primary 4. In Writing we have written our final piece for our genre of Explanation Report Writing. This week was our assessment week where Mrs Hillan will look at our writing and see if we have met all the success criteria needed and see where we would need to ... Continue reading Welcome to this week's learning in Primary 4.


This week we have done..... Maths We have done some chimney sums on addition ,subtraction and multiplication. We have also done some work on money as chimney sums. Health and wellbeing On Tuesday we had Miss Taylor, we were doing health and wellbeing. She handed out little notes that make u happy. P.E. In P.E ... Continue reading P6/5

Primary 1B Learning Highlights

This week we have been very excited because our bean stalks have started to grow. There is lots of excitement around who is going to have the tallest beanstalk. We have even been measuring them so see who is in the lead with the tallest one so far! In literacy this week, we have been ... Continue reading Primary 1B Learning Highlights

Weekly Update From P1A

I hope you have all had a good week. We have been really busy turning our classroom into fairyland! As promised last week I have pictures of the beans that we planted. They are coming along nicely and the children are enjoying looking after them. I will send them home next week and hopefully they ... Continue reading Weekly Update From P1A

P4/3 Make Their Own Rules!!

We continued to learn about Ancient Egyptian times and this week we learned how Pharaohs made all the rules for people to follow. This lead to an entertaining discussion about what rules P4/3 would implement. Here are some of the suggestions; " Only be nice" Joseph "To able to leave school whenever you want!" Charlie ... Continue reading P4/3 Make Their Own Rules!!

The Big Grow

Yesterday we took part in the 'big grow' and planted radish, beetroot, salad leaves, spinach and peas in our individual pots. We need to remember to water them regularly and sit them in the sunshine. We are hoping that the sun starts to shine a bit more!

This week in P2

It has been a busy week in P2! Spelling We have been trying out some new spelling games to learn our words. Some of these include spelling tennis, dice spelling and squat and spell. Maths We are continuing to learn about telling the time. We played a game of matching pairs to help warm us ... Continue reading This week in P2

P7/6 21st May 2021

What a week it's been! We enjoyed learning new concepts in Numeracy and Maths in the last five days. We learnt to find percentage from any amount, calculated perimeters and learnt to measure volume. Literacy, we enjoyed creating our own explanation text about weapons/ powers of the characters we made for our Sci-Fi comic strip. ... Continue reading P7/6 21st May 2021

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