Glow Blogs Archive
This Week in P3/2
Literacy We have been practising our spelling words this week. We have been practising using our rainbow writing, playdoh writing and writing our words on a whiteboard with our eyes closed. For writing this week, we were writing an explanation for the role of a firefighter. We had to take notes when we were researching ... Continue reading This Week in P3/2
P5's Weekly Blog
Literacy This week we focused on adventure narrative and read through an adventure text extract. Then we discussed techniques used by the author to build tension. Group Reading Writing linked to reading- Alexis - I feel I am getting better at writing a letter to a character. Numeracy We have continued to practise recalling our ... Continue reading P5's Weekly Blog
Learning in Primary 4
This week we made predictions about what we thought would happen next in the story of The Witches. Here are some of our great ideas: Lewis - I think that the boy's gran is going to put him in the knitting and put him down to the witch's balcony. Summer - I think that the ... Continue reading Learning in Primary 4
P7 Updates
Please follow us on Twitter @MrsMoyesP7 to see all the exciting things we get up to in school!
P5/6 Blog
This week we have done... Maths On math we have been looking on this online app called trip adviser. On trip adviser we have being booking our teacher a holiday and adding up how much it would be. And then we look up hotels see how much that is then get a flight and work ... Continue reading P5/6 Blog
Primary 1B Learning Highlights
It has been another short but busy week in Primary 1B. We have taken our learning outside this week on a few occasions even though the weather has not been kind to us. We have been focusing on using the correct symbols in the correct place for addition and subtraction stories. We have been using ... Continue reading Primary 1B Learning Highlights
Weekly Update From P1A
I hope you have all had a good week. We have been very busy in P1 and the children would like to share some of their learning with you. Firstly, I just wanted to give you an update on the beans that we are growing in our "greenhouses". It is really interesting for the ... Continue reading Weekly Update From P1A
P4/3 Update
P4/3 have enjoyed another successful week of learning and Mrs Morrison is proud of her class. We were lucky to have Mrs Stewart visit our class this week, where we demonstrated our knowledge of explanation writing. We explained the purpose of the writing and presented our information in paragraphs. Great job, P4/3! Numeracy We began ... Continue reading P4/3 Update
Update from P2
Writing We began a new genre of writing this week - Narrative. Vrishti - "We start with a title, then an orientation, then a complication, then a resolution" Andrew - "We planned with a story mountain" Charli - "We wrote a narrative story about minions losing their banana" HWB Elizabeth - "We were learning about ... Continue reading Update from P2
P7/6 May 28, 2021
Numreacy- We have been finding discount. We are getting good at it. Literacy- We have been reading our class novel and we also wrote similarities and differences between 2 texts. Writing- we wrote a comparison between two different stories. We shared our writing to the class. HWB- We discussed what afiirmation and self image means.