Glow Blogs Archive
Literacy In writing this week, we continued to develop our storyline during our narrative writing. We were writing about a winter story. We had to develop our setting and a character. We continued to develop our reciprocal reading skills by summarising our text. We had to only write about the most important details. Maths In ... Continue reading P3
Safer Internet Day 2022
We are focusing on internet safety this week in school. There are lots of resources available from the website including: 1) Learn more and get involved - Safer Internet Day 2022 2) Conversation Starters 3) Family Activities 4) Family Online Safety Plan 5) Organisations and Resources for Parents and Carers
This Week in P5.....
This week in P5 we have continued our coding activities in Digital Learning. Here are some quotes from the children explaining what they were doing: Summer - We were coding things to make them race. Sophie C - We got to play this game called 'Up in the air' and we got to code the ... Continue reading This Week in P5.....
Another Great Week In P6
Outdoor Learning! One of our favourite activities this week was Green Gym outdoor learning with Alice. It was our last session so as a special treat we had a fire and ate toasted marshmallows and popcorn! We even had a go at starting our own fires by using flint and steel and cotton covered with ... Continue reading Another Great Week In P6
11.02.2022 P4 Class
We've had an amazing week! For Numeracy, we have been learning to read and tell the time. For Maths, we have been learning to find factors and multiples of a number. For PE, we practiced our aim and attacking skills during Dodgeball. We also started performing Ceilidh dance. We have been exploring ways to keep ... Continue reading 11.02.2022 P4 Class
Weekly Update From Primary One
Welcome to this week's blog. I hope you are all well. Some of this week's highlights. Health and Wellbeing - The Colour Monster As promised last week, a picture of our completed Colour Monster display which we share with P1/2. The children put a great deal of though into what makes them happy, ... Continue reading Weekly Update From Primary One
Scotland This week we learned all about Edinburgh Castle. We drew some great pictures and wrote some facts about the Castle. We also created a character for our Narrative writing who visited Edinburgh Castle. Today is the end of our Scottish topic. We looked at some different Scottish food and drink and the children enjoyed ... Continue reading 07/02/22
Maths The children have continued to work on time with Mrs Lockhart. They are working hard to identify o'clock and half past on a clock. IDL We have started our new IDL Topic of 'The Body'. We have a hospital set up in the classroom and the children have enjoyed fixing broken bones and waiting ... Continue reading 16/02/22
P6/5 Week ending Friday 18th February
Monday: Holiday! Tuesday: Ditto! Wednesday: Reading activity: new reading books out to all. Worked on summarising the previous book. Maths: work on giving directions Science: classification of living things. We learned that fish are cold blooded. Thursday: Maths: gone back to looking at the relationship between fractions, percentages and decimals. We will continue to ... Continue reading P6/5 Week ending Friday 18th February
This Week in P3
Literacy In reading this week, we have been developing our skim reading skills. We were given a passage about winter sports and then we had to answer questions about the text. We were highlighting the key words in the question and skimming through the passage until we read those words. We would then read ... Continue reading This Week in P3