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VE day fun!

I would love to say that I have a talent for cake decoration - as some of our staff do! I really don't !! But I had fun icing these biscuits - and will have even more fun eating them!! I am now going to learn a VE day dance V.E Day Dance Lesson West ... Continue reading VE day fun!

Primary One - Monday 11th May 2020

Good Morning everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and managed to enjoy some of the lovely sunny weather. This week you will be receiving new learning packs. There are 3 weeks worth of activities for you to work through. Please remember to try and complete as many activities as you can. I ... Continue reading Primary One - Monday 11th May 2020

P4 Monday 11th May

Good Morning P4!! Here are copies of work for today, should you have difficulty accessing them on teams. Maths measure challenge cards- mild measure word problems Grammar Grammar 11th May Technology cfe2-d-44-technology-did-you-know-fact-cards

P5 Monday 11th May

Good morning - Let' get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout: or anything that interests you. Smart Start -Logic Puzzles 1 2 This is tricky-can you work it out? 3 4Reading scales Chat will go back on about 9:55 - if you finish all of the above you can go on Sumdog ... Continue reading P5 Monday 11th May

P5/6 Monday 11th May

Hello all! I am going to copy each day's "Daily Plan" ( I have changed the name from "Read Me First") document from Team's "Files" into the blog as some of you have been having difficulties accessing it. I hope this helps. However it seems as though I can not put in some materials into ... Continue reading P5/6 Monday 11th May

Primary 2 - Monday 11th May 2020

Good Morning Primary 2! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Your new packs of work will be available to collect from school on Wednesday. If there are any issues with this, please let us know at In the meantime, here are some fun learning activities for the day! Reading username - ... Continue reading Primary 2 - Monday 11th May 2020

Primary 7 11.05.20

Statement for Monday 11th May 2020 Adding and Subtracting Fractions Spicy Extra Spicy Break - Lunch T2-E-889-In-Depth-Book-Review-Template_ver_2 After Lunch t-t-7007-great-fire-of-london-information-powerpoint-ks1-_ver_4

Happy Monday Primary 1/2 11.5.20

Good Morning Everyone! I hope everyone had a great weekend and you are bright and ready for another week of home learning. There will be new packs issued this week so don't worry if you are running out of activity sheets. Why not start the week off with a Fischy Music assembly. Below is the ... Continue reading Happy Monday Primary 1/2 11.5.20

Primary 3 - Monday 11th May

Good Morning everyone! Hope you all enjoyed your weekend and you're ready for another week of learning! Remember to check your packs for which activities you can do this week. Literacy - Listen to the traditional story ' Jack and the Beanstalk'. Find a set of instructions for planting a seed or ... Continue reading Primary 3 - Monday 11th May

P6/7 11th May 2020

Joe Wicks exercise Linking decimals, percentage and fractions LI and instruction Break reading 1 reading 1 respecting_differing_opinions Lunch LI and instruction Viking Gods

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