Glow Blogs Archive
P7/6 June 25, 2021
Thank you to all the parents/ guardians and most especially to all the P7/6 pupils. You have all been amazing and I could not be more proud of all your achievements this session! You have all shown resilience and determination! Well done! As a a class, we had to say goodbye to our P7 peers. ... Continue reading P7/6 June 25, 2021
Weekly Update From P1A
I would just like to wish everyone a happy holiday. I hope you all get a chance to relax and have some family fun. It has been such a pleasure to teach your children this year and I am so proud of each and everyone of them. I look forward to hearing how they are ... Continue reading Weekly Update From P1A
Sunflower Challenge
The Sunflower Challenge given out last term will finish on Friday 27th August. Please make sure your photos and measurements are handed in before then.
Welcome Back from Primary 5!
Welcome back everyone!!! It has been so nice to see everyone back in school this week and hear everyone's stories about their Summer! This week we have spent quality time listening to each other share our news of our holidays as well as going over any news for the next few weeks and the year ... Continue reading Welcome Back from Primary 5!
Weekly Update From P1
A warm welcome to all our new Primary one children and their families. It has been a busy and exciting week so far. All the children have settled in well and are enjoying learning our daily routines. They are already displaying good independence skills and are becoming quicker at getting organised each day. We are ... Continue reading Weekly Update From P1
Welcome from Primary 2/1
Hello and welcome to our blog! We have had such a busy and fun first week in Primary 2/1! Our primary 2s and some of our primary 1s have been showing off what they already know about numbers and dot patterns through playing different games. Some of our primary 2s have been revising their knowledge ... Continue reading Welcome from Primary 2/1
P4 Class!
We had a great week getting to know each other. We played lots of games to help us get to know our teacher and our new class. We also began to read our class novel and made predictions on what might happen next. We worked together to create our class charter too. Overall, our week ... Continue reading P4 Class!
Back to School Update from Primary 4/3
The summer holidays have come to an end and it is time to dust off the school bags and pencil cases and get ready for a new term in a brand new class. How exciting! Primary 4/3 has had a very busy first week back of term. We are excited to begin our learning ... Continue reading Back to School Update from Primary 4/3
P 5/6
This week in primary 5/6 we started with settling in to school again after the long summer, we got to meet our new teacher and classmates it was really fun. After we got to choose our seats but they were not permanent after we chose, we started our work we were doing 3 tests 2 ... Continue reading P 5/6
P6 - New Year - New Start!
We have had a fantastic start to our new school year! Bella - It was great seeing friends again. We enjoyed friendship time today. What a treat! Health Jaxson - We enjoyed going on the trim track! We have been playing various icebreaker games in order to help us get to know our new class ... Continue reading P6 - New Year - New Start!