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This Week in P3/2

Literacy During Literacy this week, we were up-levelling our writing by adding adjectives and using our core writing targets. Alexis- "I was writing sentences about Pudsey Bear". We read through our reading book and then answered comprehension questions about the text. When reading, we made predictions about what might happen and looked at the ... Continue reading This Week in P3/2

Friday Fun

We had lots of fun dressing up for Children in Need but then we got on with some serious writing!

P4/3, Five to Thrive

This week, we enjoyed a Health and Well-being focus linked to Children in Need. We explored the 5 to thrive approach to improving physical and emotional well- being. First Thrive to Five- Connect Here we explored different ways of connecting with one another to improve well-being. Suggestions included: give someone a smile, sharing is caring ... Continue reading P4/3, Five to Thrive

Primary 4's Week

In Numeracy we have been working on decomposition (borrowing). Some of us have found this quite a challenge, but we have stuck with it. This would be a good thing for the children to practise at home when they can! At first I thought it would be hard, but when I got the hang of ... Continue reading Primary 4's Week

Primary 1B Learning Highlights

Health and Wellbeing This week in health and wellbeing we have been focusing on the word bullying, what it means, what it looks like and what we should do if we ever encounter it ourselves. We discussed that bullying is something which, happens over and over again, is deliberate and can happen when more than ... Continue reading Primary 1B Learning Highlights

Weekly Update From P1A

We have had another very busy week in Primary 1A and the children would like to share some of their learning with you. 'We now have our very own classroom shop called "Dean's Store" We have used as many real items of food (with price labels) as we can and even have a full sized ... Continue reading Weekly Update From P1A

Primary 2 Update

Have a read to see what we have been up to this week in P2. Writing Vrishti - "We have been learning about persuasive writing" Archie M - "We had to persuade people about why school is important" Andrew - "School is important so you can learn for when you grow up" Numeracy Jayden - ... Continue reading Primary 2 Update

P4/3 Update

It has been another busy week in P4/3 as we continue to build on our learning, challenge ourselves and trying our very best with every task. We have been exploring different texts, with a focus on identifying the differences between fiction and non- fiction books. This is a key skill to develop as the majority ... Continue reading P4/3 Update

P5 Have a Blether

Literacy Book Week This week it was Book Week Scotland so we had a 'blether' about what are favourite books were. Lily-Elen - I like Jaqueline Wilson. Writing We wrote some terrific stories this week using the main character in our reading book. Colin and his partner wrote a great opener that we agreed would ... Continue reading P5 Have a Blether

Mrs Lockhart's Days

We have been enjoying a poetry session every Friday. Each Friday we hear a new poem and also listen to some of our favourites from the previous weeks. James James Morrison Morrison is my favourite - Stevi I really like the version where they sing James James Morrison Morrison - Roman. The King's Breakfast is ... Continue reading Mrs Lockhart's Days

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