Glow Blogs Archive
Maths: today we did some clockwise stuff. We drew circles clockwise and we used compasses to help. This week we have also been rounding decimals. We have also been doing various activities related to time and times tables. For spelling we have done another spelling test. For reading we read a book that helped us ... Continue reading P6/5
This Week in P3
Literacy This week, we have continued to practice our spelling daily. We have been completing rainbow writing, playing roll, read and write and quizzing our friends. In reading this week, we have been focusing on our questioning skills. We have been using our skim reading skills to answer questions about our text. Then, we had ... Continue reading This Week in P3
P6's Week
Literacy In order to help understand a text in more detail we have been designing our own questions before reading, during reading and after reading. Oscar - I liked doing questioning - it was different. We read Gorilla by Anthony Browne. Bella - The story was interesting. The gorilla fit the dad's clothes perfectly. Anton ... Continue reading P6's Week
Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights
In Green Gym this week we have been working on improving the biodiversity of our school though building nests for the Bees. During the colder months bees need a safe place to keep warm to help them survive. We have been learning about the important role that bees play in worldwide food production therefore we ... Continue reading Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights
Weekly Update From Primary One
Some highlights from our busy week! Writing - Persuasive The children have began a new writing genre. From now until the end of term they will be exploring persuasive writing. This week the topic was Halloween. They were given a sentence starter "Halloween is good because ..........." They came up with a number of reasons- ... Continue reading Weekly Update From Primary One
P.5 Halloween
On Thursday we had fun creating a spooky atmosphere for Halloween. Then on Friday......... We dressed up for Halloween. Also we practised our spooky song and dance routine with Megan. Hope you can come along on Sunday to see us perform.
P4 Class 29/10/21
What a fantastic week we had! We started learning to write a persuasive text, we learnt to use exclamation mark appropriately and we wrote literal questions about a text. For Numeracy, we began learning subtraction strategies focusing on inverse operations. We also revised on fractions and percentages. We thoroughly enjoyed FUTSAL on Wednesday. On Thursday, ... Continue reading P4 Class 29/10/21
Happy Halloween from P6 !
We watched a creepy film and enjoyed extra friendship time. But we have been working hard all week too! We wrote spooky stories and practised the 'Timewarp' dance. Miss Dufton was very good! Literacy Also we have now moved on to a new writing genre - exposition. This is a form of persuasive writing. Topic ... Continue reading Happy Halloween from P6 !
An Update from Primary 5
Primary 5 have been working hard on their tasks this week. In Numeracy we have been looking at Place Value and what this means. We discussed that a number like: 1276 - would mean that the 1 would have the value of 1000 (thousands), the 2 would have the value of 200 (hundreds), the 7 ... Continue reading An Update from Primary 5
Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights
It's been another busy week in Primary 4/3. On Monday we checked on our bees nests and hedgehog homes, they are still intact, thankfully! We also took the opportunity to smash our clay flower bombs. We can't wait until Spring to see all the wildflowers grow in the field and know that we have done ... Continue reading Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights