Glow Blogs Archive
P4 06.12.2021
What a lovely week we've had! We had our digital learning day on Tuesday. We learnt how to use digital technologies to upload documents in glow. We have been learning to write story plots based on Christmas. We proofread and edited sentences and for reading, we used the internet to research information for our class ... Continue reading P4 06.12.2021
Primary 2
Literacy We have continued to work on our stations during ELF. We were working on our spelling sound of the week, tricky words, sentence structure, comprehension and reading! (Yes, we are very busy!) The children have worked hard in their final week of ELF. Topic The boat test!!! We are happy to report that all ... Continue reading Primary 2
This Week in P3
Literacy In literacy, we continued to develop our skimming and scanning skills when answering questions about the text. We are learning to write our answers in full sentences. In writing, we had to persuade the reader that Christmas is the best! As a class, we brainstormed our arguments. Then, we had to use the correct ... Continue reading This Week in P3
Primary 5 Update
This week in Numeracy we have been doing some Christmas Numeracy which has helped us to recap and reinforce our addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills. In Literacy we have been continuing our class novel 'The Christmasaurus and The Winter Witch'. We are really enjoying this. Here are some of our thoughts so far: ... Continue reading Primary 5 Update
P.5 STEM Challenge
We had an interesting STEM challenge to complete on Wednesday. We had to design and build an igloo using only marshmallows and cocktail sticks! There was a lot of discussion and planning to begin with. We looked at igloo images to inspire us. Then the building began........ We had mixed results! Good effort all ... Continue reading P.5 STEM Challenge
What have P6 been up to this week?
Silent Disco We had a great time during our silent disco. Christmas Lunch Emily - It was cool. We got to wear our Christmas jumpers. Miss Stanway - The macaroni cheese was delicious. We have also been working hard too! STEM Challenges All week we have been completing STEM activities. K-I liked building an igloo ... Continue reading What have P6 been up to this week?
P3/4 have an exciting week
As part of the STEM challenge, we were learning about Fibonacci number sequences. 0, 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55 ....... We have been outside looking for patterns in the natural environment. We found spirals in the bases of fir cones. We made some lovely Christmas cards. We were very excited to have our Digital Day! We experienced lots of ... Continue reading P3/4 have an exciting week
Update From Primary One
Welcome to this weeks blog. The Deans Decision Makers have been busy creating STEM challenges for our school advent calendar. The first challenge was to go on a nature walk and look for patterns in the environment. The children took lots of pictures and identified lines of symmetry in a number of objects. On Tuesday, ... Continue reading Update From Primary One
P6/5 17th December
Monday 13th Maths: we went back to look at measure, comparing centimetres and meters, and using these skills on classroom objects. Personal projects: we started researching these by reading about them on the internet, books and making notes. SD, SU, AS, EY, MaD, CB, ShP, SS, KH, EC, SJR, JH and AD are all very ... Continue reading P6/5 17th December
Last full week of school! P4 Class
This week I loved/ enjoyed... SC- doing Christmas quiz against Mrs. Durano. CM- we got to wear our jammies. LJ- we got to play party games like paper dance. SW- in pantomime, Aladdin kept sneaking up at his mum. SA- we did Deans Got Talent and we got through to the Finals!!!! AS- I'm happy ... Continue reading Last full week of school! P4 Class