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Glow Blogs Archive

Primary 1B Learning Highlights

This has been an exciting week in Primary 1B. A pleasant Surprise! On Monday we had a very extraordinary occurrence! After lunch we returned to our classroom to find a very suspicious trail of sparkly green glitter. We followed the glitter all the way to our library corner, only to find a very burnt and ... Continue reading Primary 1B Learning Highlights

Update from P4/3

It has been another busy week in P4/3. We have been able to spend more time on our Egyptian topic and the children enjoyed learning why the River Nile was so important to the Ancient Egyptians. We used our note taking skills to record information and discovered facts such as "The Nile would flood every ... Continue reading Update from P4/3

Update from P2

Have a read to see what we have been up to this week! Writing Max - "We have been learning how to write an explanation" Jacob - "We had to explain how plants grow" Jayden - "Plants need lots of soil and water or they will die" Numeracy Charli Mae - "We have been learning ... Continue reading Update from P2

P5's Weekly Blog Post

We have had another great week this week. Topic Our new topic is, 'Dinosaurs.' Bailey - I enjoyed learning about the different theories about how the dinosaurs died. Jaxson - I enjoyed drawing a dinosaur as part of my research. Kyle - I enjoyed researching about the Spinosaurus. I learnt it goes in water at ... Continue reading P5's Weekly Blog Post

P7/6 Class

Literacy We have been learning to write an explanation text, how to use prepositions and we summarised the first chapter of our individual novels. Numeracy We have been learning to identify equivalent and simpilfy fractions. We have also revised on factors and multiples. HWB We were learning to solve conflicts and understand how friendships might ... Continue reading P7/6 Class

This Week in P3/2

Literacy We were using our echo reading skills to develop our expression and fluency skills. We were also developing our questioning skills. After reading our book, we had to think of a question to ask our friends about the text. Questioning skills help develop our understanding of the text. For writing this week, we started ... Continue reading This Week in P3/2

This week in P4

This week has been a short week for us all, but we have still been busy. We were very lucky as the West Lothian Museum people gave us an online lesson on the Egyptians. The lady showed us artefacts and told us lots of interesting facts about them and the Egyptians. Here are some of ... Continue reading This week in P4

A Short, but Busy Week in P4/3!

It was a fantastic start to our week as we took part in a virtual lesson with Mrs Liddell, from museum services. She was able to share her knowledge about the Egyptians and showed us some artefacts too! It was really interesting to learn some new facts and also to apply our questioning skills to ... Continue reading A Short, but Busy Week in P4/3!

Primary 1B Learning Highlights.

It's been a super short week but we have managed to cram lots of fun learning into a short space of time. Here is a little snapshot of one of our learning experiences this week. One of our learning highlights this week has taken from our focus on a new maths topic 'Measure'. We have ... Continue reading Primary 1B Learning Highlights.

Weekly Update From P1A

I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend and managed to have some fun time with your family. Although it has been a short week we have been very busy carrying out tasks from the dragon. We have finished Jack's beanstalk and made a beautiful golden goose. Some pictures below - Writing - Narrative The ... Continue reading Weekly Update From P1A

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